After arriving home I received a email stating that our trip had to be re booked , our travel plans were changing. I can not believe a week before leaving we got this thrown at us.
I still need to get to travel and will deal with this once up north. What craziness and what bull this has taken on.
I spent Friday June 4, Saturday June 5, and Sunday June 6, in a library and a phone booth trying to reorganize my trip. What a hassle and what a waste of money, this is hard since I have to finance this trip and my research by myself, every cent for the Garfield Weston summer program money is budgeted for and being used and now time to start juggling.
I find it hard to believe this never came up when Ed and I talked to people at the college.
I got my flights changed which ended up costing a extra $200 when all said and done. Rooms were cancelled, thank god I only lost one deposit for a room.
Still in phone booth I had to call each appointment to reschedule this is a very disappointing thing for sure. You could hear disappointment in the voices on the other end of the line too, not just Ed and myself the people that were schedule to be interviewed too.
I ended up losing one interview for sure and maybe one or two more depending on their schedules and free time. The main problem with changing the time frame is that now we will be visiting their locations at the busy time of year instead of before it got busy.
Oh well life throws stuff at you and you deal with it.